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Portfolio Builder FAQ
Alex Pappas avatar
Written by Alex Pappas
Updated over 4 months ago

Published. Date Nov 7, 2024

What is portfolio builder?

Portfolio builder is a portfolio construction tool that allows you to upload one or multiple portfolio(s) with investment allocations and strategy hierarchies using a provided template.

  • Add the names of your uploaded investments to your file, or type in the ticker/ISIN/verbatim name of a public security

  • Add the latest $ allocation next to each line item

  • Build out the strategy structure within the template, so each investment is located under its appropriate strategy and sub-strategy

How do I upload multiple portfolios and their structures?

To begin, select “ Investments/Portfolios” from the left panel and click “Create or update pro forma portfolio(s) using Portfolio Builder” and then click “Upload portfolio data using Portfolio Builder.”

You can upload a file, drag and drop a file, or paste data directly into the uploader. We support Excel and CSV file formats. To view a sample template of how to organize your data click “Formats and Templates” and download one of the available templates.

How many strategy levels can I include?

Each top-level strategy can have up to 5 sub-strategies for a total of 6 strategy levels.

Which types of identifiers should I use for my investments?

You must include at least one of the following: Ticker, ISIN, or Investment Name. If you include all three the uploader will use the ISIN first, then Ticker and then Investment name.

Can I upload my investment allocations by % weight?

The uploader will ingest data as $ allocations even if you upload % weights. For example if you upload 10% the uploader will show $10. However, after the upload you can toggle between $ and % at the top of the allocator panel.

Why are some of my portfolios highlighted in red?

You will be prompted to preview the investment allocations and strategy hierarchies for all portfolios being uploaded before completing the upload process. Any portfolios highlighted in red include investments that could not be mapped to an investment that exists in the Data Library. Click on the “Map” button to search for another investment to replace the unmapped investment. Any investments that have already been mapped in the portfolio will be grayed out and unavailable as a mapping option.

Why can’t I search by ISIN within the remapping step?

While ISIN uploaded is permitted within the template, search functionality on Venn is limited to Ticker or Investment Name.

Why can’t I exclude an investment during the preview process?

For any investments that are unmapped, you must choose another investment from the Data Library to map to for the upload to complete. Alternatively, remove the investment line item from the upload template. Excluding investments within the uploader is not an option at this time.

Can I update portfolios that already exist in the Data Library?

All uploaded portfolios will automatically overwrite existing data if the portfolio name matches a portfolio that already exists in the Data Library.

As a Global Admin, why can’t I upload portfolios to multiple teams?

Portfolios can only be uploaded within the workspace that you are currently active in. Please ensure you are operating within the correct team before uploading corresponding portfolios.

This document highlights certain aspects of this feature. As an overview, it does not discuss all material facts or assumptions. Please see Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.

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