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Investment NAVs Uploader FAQ
Alex Pappas avatar
Written by Alex Pappas
Updated over 4 months ago

Rev. Date November 7, 2024

Can I update the asset allocation for my portfolio in bulk?

Yes - Venn allows you to upload one or multiple portfolios with investment allocations and strategy hierarchy using a provided template. Please visit this Portfolio Builder FAQ for a detailed overview.

If you’d like to simply update the asset allocations for one portfolio at a time, you can use our NAV Uploader. First, visit the Analysis page, open up an existing or newly created portfolio, then click the “+” button in the lower left side of the screen. Select “Upload NAVs.” You can then either upload a file with investment names or identifiers in one column and allocation sizes in another, or copy/paste directly into the uploader. We support multiple file formats, including .csv, .pdf, and .xls.

The system will identify if the investments are already in the portfolio you’re analyzing and label them as “Existing portfolio investments,” and overwrite the NAV. If you try to upload NAVs of investments in the Data Library (both user uploaded and system provided) but that are not added to the portfolio you’re analyzing yet, they will show up as “New portfolio investments” and will be added to your portfolio. Please make sure to validate the mappings to ensure that correct investments are added to the portfolio.

If you try to upload NAVs of investments not currently in the Data Library, they will show up as “Not Mapped” and will be ignored. Please note that the upload may show up as “Not Mapped” even if the investment is in the Data Library if the name or identifier used does not match what’s in the system. The NAVs can be manually mapped by clicking on the name of the investment in the uploader and searching for the investment to be mapped to.

Can I upload asset allocation in % weight?

The NAV uploader will ingest data as $ allocations, even if you upload % weights. For example, if an investment in your portfolio has 10% (or 0.1) allocation, the NAV uploader will show $10 (or $0.1). However, after the upload, you can switch from “$” view to “%” view using the toggle at the top of the allocation panel.

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