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Navigating the Data Library
Navigating the Data Library
Written by Robert Xie
Updated over 8 months ago

Rev. Date December 11, 2023

In Venn’s Data Library, you can search across any investments, portfolios, and benchmarks on the platform. To access this space, please click on the “Data Library” icon on the left side of your Venn page.

The Data Library allows you to access and search for:

  • User-uploaded return streams

  • User-created benchmarks

  • User-created portfolios

  • Venn-provided return streams

Quick Filters

If anyone on your team has previously uploaded or created any investments or portfolios in Venn that you’d like to reference, you can find these by using the “Uploaded by my Team” option under “Quick Filters”

If you are currently using an integration with one of Venn’s data partners, you can also use this same “Quick Filters” button to narrow your view down to only show data coming through via integration.

Other characteristics that you can filter by include:

  • Item Type

  • Currency

  • Asset Type

  • Data Source

Item Type may be especially useful if you work frequently in Venn, as it allows you to quickly access specific portfolios or composite benchmarks you may have created in your workspace. Alternatively, you could also choose to only view individual investments from this same filter.

To search across all line items based upon specific performance characteristics, including Venn-specific factor exposures and contributions, please click on the “All Filters and Queries” button on the top right of the screen.

There are input fields for Time Period, Metric, and Operator, and you can also add additional queries as well.

The image below shows several of your options within just the Metric input field, so when combined with several additional queries, you can quickly filter down the library based on selective criteria of your choosing.

If there is a particular set of criteria that you would like to use on a more frequent or recurring basis, you can save this down using the “Save Filters” option which will appear towards the top of the screen after you have applied any filters to your search.

This will prompt you to assign a name to this set of saved filters, which you can use to help identify it going forward. Now, the next time you’d like to repeat this search, the Advanced Queries options you used previously will be pre-loaded so you won’t need to re-enter each input field.


Similarly, any sets of return streams you frequently reference throughout Venn can also be saved down using our “Tags” feature. To start, simply check the box alongside a few line items you’d like to use, and the Tag option will appear on the top of your Data Library screen.

You can assign a tag to multiple items with a name of your choosing, and then this tag can be referenced on any searches done throughout Venn, whether in the Data Library or on other pages. Individual items can also have multiple tags assigned to them.

Selecting multiple items from the Data Library will provide you some shortcuts to bring them directly into other parts of Venn too, which you can learn more about in the Onboarding and Feature Deep Dives pages on our Help Center.

This document highlights certain aspects of this feature. As an overview, it does not discuss all material facts or assumptions. Please see Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.

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