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Setting benchmarks
Setting benchmarks
Anna German avatar
Written by Anna German
Updated over 8 months ago

Rev. Date July 29, 2024

Users can set a benchmark for any portfolio, strategy, or investment from:

  • In Data Library: Click the three dots under the “Actions” column, and select “Configure Benchmarks.” From there users can add new benchmarks and manage existing benchmarks for that investment or portfolio.

  • Any Analysis page: In the analysis view users have the option to assign a benchmark for the portfolio (or any selected strategy or investment) by clicking the Benchmark dropdown at the top of the screen.

  • In Studio or Report Lab: Add a benchmark to your report by clicking “New” under the “Benchmarks” section of the “Inputs” tab, or to a block in your report by selecting from the “Benchmark” dropdown in the block’s configuration panel. The “Common Benchmark” option will apply a single benchmark to compare all subjects against. The “Individual Benchmark” option will compare each subject to its own benchmark assigned in the Data Library or Analysis page.

Any investments, including those in Venn’s investment library and those that users have uploaded directly, are eligible to be added as benchmarks. Users can also set separate benchmarks at the individual investment level, strategy level, and the aggregate portfolio level.

Note that setting a benchmark may affect the portfolio return frequency used for analysis and/or the analysis period. It will also impact the relative performance and factor metrics when the "Relative to Benchmark" toggle is switched on.

Creating Composite Benchmarks

Users can create a custom composite benchmark by clicking “Create Composite Benchmark” at the bottom of the Benchmark dropdown. Users can select any investment in Venn’s data library, including user-uploaded data, and assign weights to the constituents (e.g. 60% MSCI World Index and 40% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index). Users may also specify a return target relative to any of the underlying constituents (e.g. cash + 3%). Composite benchmarks are rebalanced on a quarterly basis.

Once created, the new composite benchmark will be saved into the Data Library and can be reused for other analyses. Composite benchmarks can be edited in the Data Library by clicking the three dots under the Actions column and selecting “Edit Composite Benchmark,” which will open the same pop up users used to initially create the composite benchmark.

This document highlights certain aspects of this feature. As an overview, it does not discuss all material facts or assumptions. Please see Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.

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