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Feature Overview: Holdings
Feature Overview: Holdings
Written by Mei Chung
Updated over 5 months ago

Which holdings-based data are available?

Venn provides a portfolio’s or investment’s holdings breakdown by Asset Class, Geography, and Sectors. Net exposures are shown for asset class breakdowns. For geography breakdowns, % long exposures are shown out of the given portfolio’s or investment’s total long exposures. For sector breakdowns, % long exposures are shown out of the portfolio’s or investment’s total long exposures in Equity and Fixed Income only. The types of exposures represented are labeled at the top of the holdings tables and charts.

Users can also filter for specific holdings breakdown sub-categories if they would like to show a subset of the total holdings. Venn will automatically include a label to indicate how much of the holistic portfolio is being viewed in the chart.

Venn currently does not support running analyses such as factor analysis or risk and return attributions on holdings data.

Where can I find holdings data in Venn?

Holdings breakdown can be added using the blocks under the “Holdings” section within the menu panels of Studio and Report Lab.

Asset Class, Geography, and Sector breakdown information is available in both table and chart forms.

Please note that holdings data is currently only available in Studio and Report Lab. To access Studio or Report Lab, please reach out to your Client Solutions representative. Additional fees may apply.

How are net negative exposures displayed in pie charts?

The holdings breakdown at the asset class level in Venn shows the net exposures, which can be negative. For visualization purposes in the pie-chart, the size of each position is displayed as a % of the sum of absolute values of all the net exposures. Positive exposures are displayed in solid colors and negative exposures in dashed bars. The exact net exposures are labeled in the legend.

Using the sample investment below, “Other” will represent ~11% of the pie chart (13.99% / 127.98% = 11%) while “US Stock” will represent ~44% (56.38% / 127.98% = 44%). As shown in the chart, although the net exposure for “US Stock” is ~56% as indicated in the legend, it takes up less than half of the chart (~44%).

This representation can be useful as it provides color on how much of the investment or portfolio is allocated to each position from a market value or size perspective, while the color of the pie chart provides insights into whether the position is net short or long. In the sample investment, ~11% of the total capital, which exceeds 100% due to the short positions, would represent a net negative position in “Other” while ~44% of the total capital is used to hold net long positions in “US Stock.”

How are holdings aggregated for a multi-asset portfolio?

Venn provides holdings breakdowns aggregated to the portfolio level by weighting each investment’s holdings by how much of the portfolio is allocated to that investment.

As previously noted, net exposures are used for asset class breakdowns and long exposures are used for sector and geography breakdowns. For sector breakdowns, TotalPortfolioAllocation refers to the portfolio’s total long exposures in Equity and Fixed Income only.

How frequently are holdings data updated?

Holdings data are updated when we receive new data from our vendor - depending on the fund, this could be daily, monthly, or quarterly.

The as of date that the holdings data is available is labeled at the top of each table and chart. For individual investments, the latest date for which the holdings data is available will be shown. For portfolios with underlying investments that have different as of holdings dates (e.g., Fund A has holdings available as of December and Fund B has holdings available as of September), the “As of Date” will be denoted as “Most Recent Available.” If all underlying investments have the same as of holdings date, the exact date will be displayed in the label.

Please note that all holdings data shown are expected to be the latest data made available to Venn. Historical holdings are not available in Venn.

Why are some investments “unknown”?

Portions of client portfolios may be composed of holdings whose classifications are unknown or for which we are not receiving reference data. These investments are grouped into the “Unknown” category.

In the sector breakdown, “Unknown” indicates any Equity or Fixed Income holdings whose sector classifications are not known.

What type of sectors or classifications are available through the holdings data?

Venn sources the holdings data from Morningstar, so the breakdowns follow their classifications and nomenclature. Sectors shown in Venn are not GICs sectors.

For which investments does Venn provide the holdings information?

Holdings information is available for most ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Stocks within Venn’s Data Library. Holdings are not currently available for indices or user-uploaded data.

What should I do if I want to use an index as a benchmark for my portfolio?

Holdings are not available for indices in Venn, but an ETF that tracks the index may potentially be used instead. Similarly, custom composite benchmarks need to be created from ETFs or other publicly available proxies instead of indices when appropriate.

Can I upload my own holdings data?

Venn currently does not support user-defined holdings or portfolio holdings data integrations.

Will Venn provide holdings of investments with no transparency into their underlying holdings?

Venn will not provide holdings of investments that Venn does not have access to the underlying holdings data for. The holdings for these investments will be categorized as “Unknown”. Similarly, investments that Venn does have holdings data for but whose classifications are unknown will also be categorized as “Unknown.”

Can I run benchmark relative analysis with holdings?

Venn does not currently support benchmark relative analysis for holdings-based analysis blocks. However, the benchmark holdings can be compared side by side with the portfolios’ or investments’ holdings if they are composed of investments whose holdings data are available in Venn (i.e., Mutual Funds, ETFs, or Stocks).. Users can use the holdings-based tables, which support analyzing multiple subjects, including the benchmark. Please note that the holdings charts and visualizations currently only support a single-subject view, so multiple holdings blocks will need to be added for each subject and benchmark.

This document highlights certain aspects of this feature. As an overview, it does not discuss all material facts or assumptions. Please see Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.

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